Invest in the Irish Community

Contribute to our Annual Appeal and help us meet

our $5,000 goal

The pandemic reminded us of what matters most in life—things we sometimes took for granted. We learned the true value of a handshake, a hug, a simple gathering of friends.

While the past 20 months have been challenging, at Irish Community Services we are more energized and excited than ever! The pandemic has shown us the importance of connection and community—the things we have worked for everyday for over 20 years.

We are dedicated to sustaining and growing our Irish community. By donating to Irish Community Services, you can partner with us to preserve the Irish community for generations to come.

I’ve included a fact sheet to let you know more about the programs your donation will support as well as some numbers that show what we’ve being doing throughout the pandemic to keep your community connected.

Thank you in advance for whatever investment you can make in our community's future.

Paul Dowling

Interim Executive Director


Why Support Irish Community Services?